Sunday, July 4, 2010
Hi Everyone!
I haven't posted in several months, so here goes. I have now finished the Spring quarter 2010. It was a difficult one. I am taking the first summer off from school in two years. I need the break and will resume courses in the Fall. Already signed for my Fall classes and will be doing my big practicum of 133 hours plus the other two classes. I will be working with special needs and non-disabled children, hopefully at Madison Elementary.
I am enjoying my break, but will be trying to get a temporary summer job soon. The 4th of July weekend has been fun. I went with my daughter and 8 year old granddaughter to River Front Park on the 3rd, and we took Autumn to the pony rides, carousel, a picnic, bouncy castle, and walked all over the park (it pooped Gammy out!). But, our biggest highlight was when Autumn and I went on the Gondola and looked down over the churning falls of the Spokane River. Autumn thought it was so beautiful! I went on the Gondola with her, but Colleen was a scaredy-cat. She is afraid of heights. I don't blame her. It can be scary. But, we had great fun!
For those of you who are familiar with my grandson, Isaac, he is coming along pretty well in the past 4 or 5 months in his his own pace, but changing for the better. He is now rolling quickly all over the floor to get to where he wants to go and playing with his toys, and now loves to look at his picture books when you read them to him. He is also following commands he understands, lately. He is such a joy, and waves to people and loves to do the counting game with me every time he sees me. He really loves to hear us sing to him, as well as he dances to some of the songs we sing (bounces up and down while smiling), like "Row, row, row your boat." He is quite a sweet little man, and is loved by all. He is enjoying his time in his new kiddie pool and new swing in his backyard this summer. He seems to look like he is enjoying the life of "Riley." (LOL!)
This summer is a time we will relax and have some summer fun before the work starts in September. Until then,
Debbie Hampy
I haven't posted in several months, so here goes. I have now finished the Spring quarter 2010. It was a difficult one. I am taking the first summer off from school in two years. I need the break and will resume courses in the Fall. Already signed for my Fall classes and will be doing my big practicum of 133 hours plus the other two classes. I will be working with special needs and non-disabled children, hopefully at Madison Elementary.
I am enjoying my break, but will be trying to get a temporary summer job soon. The 4th of July weekend has been fun. I went with my daughter and 8 year old granddaughter to River Front Park on the 3rd, and we took Autumn to the pony rides, carousel, a picnic, bouncy castle, and walked all over the park (it pooped Gammy out!). But, our biggest highlight was when Autumn and I went on the Gondola and looked down over the churning falls of the Spokane River. Autumn thought it was so beautiful! I went on the Gondola with her, but Colleen was a scaredy-cat. She is afraid of heights. I don't blame her. It can be scary. But, we had great fun!
For those of you who are familiar with my grandson, Isaac, he is coming along pretty well in the past 4 or 5 months in his his own pace, but changing for the better. He is now rolling quickly all over the floor to get to where he wants to go and playing with his toys, and now loves to look at his picture books when you read them to him. He is also following commands he understands, lately. He is such a joy, and waves to people and loves to do the counting game with me every time he sees me. He really loves to hear us sing to him, as well as he dances to some of the songs we sing (bounces up and down while smiling), like "Row, row, row your boat." He is quite a sweet little man, and is loved by all. He is enjoying his time in his new kiddie pool and new swing in his backyard this summer. He seems to look like he is enjoying the life of "Riley." (LOL!)
This summer is a time we will relax and have some summer fun before the work starts in September. Until then,
Debbie Hampy
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hi Everyone,
As some some of you may have known, I got seriously ill back on Feb. 13. My 2 and a half year old grandson had RSV and was in the PICU for several weeks. I had sat and visited him to comfort him while he was in the hospital, and lucky me, I contracted this nasty disease. And, nasty it was! I had the same symptoms Isaac had and with the same stages it went through. I woke up with a fever, body aches, and it went straight to lungs. Two days later, I was taken to the ER by ambulance, and sent home when my doctor said I was so ill, they should have admitted me. I had to do nebulizer treatments every 6 ours for 10 days, then I spiked a 103 degrees fever 5 days later, and days later had terrible intestinal symptoms. I lost my voice for days, severely so weak I had to get people to come over and help and feed me. It was the worst virus I had ever had, to say the least!
I am much better after 3 weeks, and am back to normal, but my voice is slightly hoarser than it normally is, and my taste buds have diminished a little. I hope and pray this is not permanent. If the taste buds thing is permanent, that may be a blessing. It may cause me to lose some weight for lack of as much interest in food! (LOL!)
I'm back to catching up on my school assignments, and winter quarter will be over in a few weeks. Already registered for Spring quarter, and filled out my financial papers for next school year, as I have one more year to go from now. Yeah! Gammy and grandson are both doing well and have regained the pink in our cheeks, and our vim and vinegar (lol!).
Also, we here in the Inland Northwest are having a so called "California winter." Hardly any snow; haven't worn my snow boots not one day this winter, and probably won't now that it's March. We are having such a mild winter and lovin' it after last winter's record breaker.
Gotta go back to the books. Hope all of you are doing great. Until later...
Love, Gammy
As some some of you may have known, I got seriously ill back on Feb. 13. My 2 and a half year old grandson had RSV and was in the PICU for several weeks. I had sat and visited him to comfort him while he was in the hospital, and lucky me, I contracted this nasty disease. And, nasty it was! I had the same symptoms Isaac had and with the same stages it went through. I woke up with a fever, body aches, and it went straight to lungs. Two days later, I was taken to the ER by ambulance, and sent home when my doctor said I was so ill, they should have admitted me. I had to do nebulizer treatments every 6 ours for 10 days, then I spiked a 103 degrees fever 5 days later, and days later had terrible intestinal symptoms. I lost my voice for days, severely so weak I had to get people to come over and help and feed me. It was the worst virus I had ever had, to say the least!
I am much better after 3 weeks, and am back to normal, but my voice is slightly hoarser than it normally is, and my taste buds have diminished a little. I hope and pray this is not permanent. If the taste buds thing is permanent, that may be a blessing. It may cause me to lose some weight for lack of as much interest in food! (LOL!)
I'm back to catching up on my school assignments, and winter quarter will be over in a few weeks. Already registered for Spring quarter, and filled out my financial papers for next school year, as I have one more year to go from now. Yeah! Gammy and grandson are both doing well and have regained the pink in our cheeks, and our vim and vinegar (lol!).
Also, we here in the Inland Northwest are having a so called "California winter." Hardly any snow; haven't worn my snow boots not one day this winter, and probably won't now that it's March. We are having such a mild winter and lovin' it after last winter's record breaker.
Gotta go back to the books. Hope all of you are doing great. Until later...
Love, Gammy
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hello everyone,
Fall weather has certainly arrived today. Yesterday it was about 80 degrees, today a cool 60. That's the way the weather is around here...a new season will literally, come in overnight. Can't wait until all the beautiful leaves turn fall colors. In Browne's Addition they are absolutely stunning with all the lucious, old maple trees.
Fall also, brings Fall quarter for me. Yes, school started a week ago, and the work is on! I am taking a full load of 15 credits. They are: Behavioral Classroom Management, Technical Services I (about helping students in their libraries), and Introduction to Communication Studies. I will definitely be very busy this quarter. I am looking forward to the new things I will be learning about working in a classroom with children. My practicum this Fall is at the Early Learning Center with preschool through 12 year olds. This is a Head Start program to provide child care for parents who are students at the college. It's great to work with these kids! Lots of hands on experience.
I made it through a bad head cold I have had for the past week, and am now ready to hit the books and computer! Nice to see some of my friends back at school.
Bye for now.
Fall weather has certainly arrived today. Yesterday it was about 80 degrees, today a cool 60. That's the way the weather is around here...a new season will literally, come in overnight. Can't wait until all the beautiful leaves turn fall colors. In Browne's Addition they are absolutely stunning with all the lucious, old maple trees.
Fall also, brings Fall quarter for me. Yes, school started a week ago, and the work is on! I am taking a full load of 15 credits. They are: Behavioral Classroom Management, Technical Services I (about helping students in their libraries), and Introduction to Communication Studies. I will definitely be very busy this quarter. I am looking forward to the new things I will be learning about working in a classroom with children. My practicum this Fall is at the Early Learning Center with preschool through 12 year olds. This is a Head Start program to provide child care for parents who are students at the college. It's great to work with these kids! Lots of hands on experience.
I made it through a bad head cold I have had for the past week, and am now ready to hit the books and computer! Nice to see some of my friends back at school.
Bye for now.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hi to All,
I have enjoyed my time off from school this past month. I enjoyed spending time with my grandchildren and doing a lot of my favorite pastimes--crossword puzzles.
My parents are expected to come for a visit this next week-9/14. We look forward to seeing them very much, and already have big plans to take them to the Spokane Fair and then to the Apple Festival in Green Bluff. They are also looking forward to it.
The sun is starting to set earlier, but aside from our two days of a little rain, our temps are jumping up into the high 80's by this weekend. It looks like summer is trying to wane, but not cooling off as yet. That's allright with me. September can be a beautiful month around our region.
Autumn started her new school with her arm in a cast, so these are big changes for her. She misses her last teacher, and she will probably go down as Autumn's favorite teacher.
I'm looking forward to starting my practicum with the preschoolers at the college this fall. I am already placed and ready to start. It will be a very busy quarter for me, as I will be taking 3 busy classes plus the time invested in my practicum.
I'll be talking to all of you soon within the next two weeks.
I have enjoyed my time off from school this past month. I enjoyed spending time with my grandchildren and doing a lot of my favorite pastimes--crossword puzzles.
My parents are expected to come for a visit this next week-9/14. We look forward to seeing them very much, and already have big plans to take them to the Spokane Fair and then to the Apple Festival in Green Bluff. They are also looking forward to it.
The sun is starting to set earlier, but aside from our two days of a little rain, our temps are jumping up into the high 80's by this weekend. It looks like summer is trying to wane, but not cooling off as yet. That's allright with me. September can be a beautiful month around our region.
Autumn started her new school with her arm in a cast, so these are big changes for her. She misses her last teacher, and she will probably go down as Autumn's favorite teacher.
I'm looking forward to starting my practicum with the preschoolers at the college this fall. I am already placed and ready to start. It will be a very busy quarter for me, as I will be taking 3 busy classes plus the time invested in my practicum.
I'll be talking to all of you soon within the next two weeks.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Hi everyone,
Summer school has been very condensed into a short seven weeks, whereas, the other quarters are twelve weeks long. It was a lot of work and practicum hours at the Early Learning Center. I did enjoy working with the great staff and the children there. I will have to say that at this point in time, I have learned a lot about working with young children and building curriculums. One week left to go, and I get one whole month off. I can laugh at those returning early for the fall, and I get to finally enjoy my late summer vacation. I am ready for it! Just received my financial aid notification for the next year of school, and things are A OK and set for the year! Thanks again to all those who gave me financial support during my time of stress this summer. My needs have been met, so far, and again thanks. Love to all of you.
Where has our hot summer weather gone? We're in the high 60's for a few days, but by next Tuesday we will be back up into the 90's again. Summer is still very much with us...just a short-lived thunderstorm stuff. My parents are coming for a visit to see the family in mid-September, and we are looking forward to seeing them again. It has been a year since we have seen them. They will be surprised at how much the great grandchildren have grown and changed. Hope blessings on everyone. Bye for now.
Summer school has been very condensed into a short seven weeks, whereas, the other quarters are twelve weeks long. It was a lot of work and practicum hours at the Early Learning Center. I did enjoy working with the great staff and the children there. I will have to say that at this point in time, I have learned a lot about working with young children and building curriculums. One week left to go, and I get one whole month off. I can laugh at those returning early for the fall, and I get to finally enjoy my late summer vacation. I am ready for it! Just received my financial aid notification for the next year of school, and things are A OK and set for the year! Thanks again to all those who gave me financial support during my time of stress this summer. My needs have been met, so far, and again thanks. Love to all of you.
Where has our hot summer weather gone? We're in the high 60's for a few days, but by next Tuesday we will be back up into the 90's again. Summer is still very much with us...just a short-lived thunderstorm stuff. My parents are coming for a visit to see the family in mid-September, and we are looking forward to seeing them again. It has been a year since we have seen them. They will be surprised at how much the great grandchildren have grown and changed. Hope blessings on everyone. Bye for now.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Where has this summer gone? It seems like I just finished Spring quarter and here we are just two weeks left of Summer quarter. These last two weeks are chock full of a lot of assignments, in fact a lot that's due before this next Wednesday. So, guess how I'm spending this weekend and the next few days after that! I can't complain too much because I have a whole month off before school starts up again.
For those of you who knew I was going through a sudden financial crunch, I will say that the Lord has been looking out for me and has provided for me in ways I would not have thought of. A heartfelt thank you to all those dear ones who supported me during this hardship.
I am also, thankful that my daughter and grandson did not contract the bad virus my granddaughter had a few weeks ago. She was running a high fever of 102-104 F. degrees for about four days and very ill. So far, no one else has come down with it. Praise God! There was a lot of prayer for all of them. You see, He really does take care of us!
I have been enjoying coming home every Monday from my practicum and joining my missional community from my church in the nearby park for our weekly BBQ. It's a great time for just sitting in the beautiful park and enjoying the fellowship with everyone. The church is also holding our Sunday evening services in the park during the summer. You can't beat that! I must say, it has been a lazy, good summer without even going out of town. I guess I'm one of those who can find pleasure in the simple things, like the nice, warm evenings, beautiful, lush green trees in my neighborhood, spending more time outdoors with my grandchildren, playing in the water with all the children at the Early Learning Center, not having to shuffle through 3-5 feet of snow (lol!), BBQ's, and watching some good movies.
Have a great rest of the summer!

For those of you who knew I was going through a sudden financial crunch, I will say that the Lord has been looking out for me and has provided for me in ways I would not have thought of. A heartfelt thank you to all those dear ones who supported me during this hardship.
I am also, thankful that my daughter and grandson did not contract the bad virus my granddaughter had a few weeks ago. She was running a high fever of 102-104 F. degrees for about four days and very ill. So far, no one else has come down with it. Praise God! There was a lot of prayer for all of them. You see, He really does take care of us!
I have been enjoying coming home every Monday from my practicum and joining my missional community from my church in the nearby park for our weekly BBQ. It's a great time for just sitting in the beautiful park and enjoying the fellowship with everyone. The church is also holding our Sunday evening services in the park during the summer. You can't beat that! I must say, it has been a lazy, good summer without even going out of town. I guess I'm one of those who can find pleasure in the simple things, like the nice, warm evenings, beautiful, lush green trees in my neighborhood, spending more time outdoors with my grandchildren, playing in the water with all the children at the Early Learning Center, not having to shuffle through 3-5 feet of snow (lol!), BBQ's, and watching some good movies.
Have a great rest of the summer!
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