Monday, March 8, 2010


Hi Everyone,

As some some of you may have known, I got seriously ill back on Feb. 13. My 2 and a half year old grandson had RSV and was in the PICU for several weeks. I had sat and visited him to comfort him while he was in the hospital, and lucky me, I contracted this nasty disease. And, nasty it was! I had the same symptoms Isaac had and with the same stages it went through. I woke up with a fever, body aches, and it went straight to lungs. Two days later, I was taken to the ER by ambulance, and sent home when my doctor said I was so ill, they should have admitted me. I had to do nebulizer treatments every 6 ours for 10 days, then I spiked a 103 degrees fever 5 days later, and days later had terrible intestinal symptoms. I lost my voice for days, severely so weak I had to get people to come over and help and feed me. It was the worst virus I had ever had, to say the least!

I am much better after 3 weeks, and am back to normal, but my voice is slightly hoarser than it normally is, and my taste buds have diminished a little. I hope and pray this is not permanent. If the taste buds thing is permanent, that may be a blessing. It may cause me to lose some weight for lack of as much interest in food! (LOL!)

I'm back to catching up on my school assignments, and winter quarter will be over in a few weeks. Already registered for Spring quarter, and filled out my financial papers for next school year, as I have one more year to go from now. Yeah! Gammy and grandson are both doing well and have regained the pink in our cheeks, and our vim and vinegar (lol!).

Also, we here in the Inland Northwest are having a so called "California winter." Hardly any snow; haven't worn my snow boots not one day this winter, and probably won't now that it's March. We are having such a mild winter and lovin' it after last winter's record breaker.

Gotta go back to the books. Hope all of you are doing great. Until later...

Love, Gammy